MADI Research
To launch MADI on a sound strategic footing, MADI leaders with the support of the Marin Community Foundation (MCF) engaged the consulting firm Collaborative Consulting. Over the course of 2.5 years, Collaborative Consulting led an extensive discovery and planning effort.
The discovery phase included key stakeholder interviews and a needs assessment of older adults and people with disabilities in Marin County. It also profiled models and best practices of nonprofit shared-space collaboratives around the country. The planning effort mapped and categorized community challenges against a range of possible solutions and structures.
The MADI team has drawn on Collaborative Consulting’s findings to help crystallize MADI’s vision and mission. In addition, Collaborative Consulting’s research has informed our focus on advancing equity for older adults and people with disabilities, especially those who are multiply marginalized. Links to several Collaborative Consulting research documents are included below.